Dayturn 2.9.10 (2306171742)

macOS Dayturn 2.9.10 (2306171742)

Dayturn 2.9.10 is maintenance update that contains a brush-up of the avatar appearance code which should result in faster avatar baking, and gain a frame or two of extra performance.

In addition there is an update that should improve the horizon from most camera angles when watching system water. Add to that select bug fixes and improvements from the latest SL Release viewers.

The details of all changes can as always be found in the commit log.

The viewer is signed with an Apple Developer ID, but not notarized meaning you will in some cases have to explicitly open the viewer on first run by right clicking the viewer and selecting Open.

It has been tested on both Intel and Apple Silicon hardware on macOS 11.7.7 (Big Sur), macOS 12.6.6 (Monterey) and macOS 13.4 (Ventura) . On Apple Silicon, it runs under Rosetta 2 translation
Geir Nøklebye
First release
Last update


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