Dayturn 2.9.5 (02303311227)

macOS Dayturn 2.9.5 (02303311227)

Dayturn 2.9.5 is a small maintenance update with only a handful of bug fixes and changed prompted by new code requirements because of Xcode 14.1 and higher.

This version has been rebuilt with Xcode 14.3

The details of all changes can as always be found in the commit log.

The viewer is signed with an Apple Developer ID, but not notarized meaning you will in some cases have to explicitly open the viewer on first run by right clicking the viewer and selecting Open.

It has been tested on both Intel and Apple Silicon hardware on macOS 11.7.5 (Big Sur), macOS 12.6.4 (Monterey) and macOS 13.3 (Ventura) . On Apple Silicon, it runs under Rosetta 2 translation.

It has also received more extensive testing on OpenSim 0.9.3 release and the dotnet6 development branch of OpenSim than previous versions. Some inconsistencies exist, but will be resolved in the version 3.0.x release still in development.
Geir Nøklebye
First release
Last update


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