How activate gridmanager for OpenSim Grids ?


New member
Hi there ;D
Your Dayturn viewer is very awesome and I very like it ;D But I am more in OpenSim as in SL, so I have the question, how I can activate the gridmanager for OpenSim ?
Thanks for your help ;D
If you use the SL preview it does not have the functionality to log in to OpenSim. There will be a separate OpenSim version.
ahh ok ;D When comes the version ... so ... maybe ? ;D

When you brough a beta tester ? Here I am .. and I have a little forum ... .. maybe make more users testet your viewer .. so more alternatives to firestorm ;D
I can't say exactly when that will be because I am in the process of moving and settling in to a new location, so time to work on the viewer is very limited right now.
is it possible to get an update on the development status of viewer 3 for windows for opensim? Thank you.
The combination of moving taking most of my time and the overwhelming number of changes from Linden Labs makes progress very slow.

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