OpenSim- Bugged?


New member
Trying to get version running as standalone, after going through steps setting up in DOS box panel I get this error below... version doesn't do that...
Oh, ok – I cannot help you with that. I only run it under mono on macOS or Debian where it runs fine in grid mode, but also also as standalone in testing.

You also need to check the log and watch the console for messages that can give you a hint of what's going on. The release notes will also give you a hint of what has changed. If you use the same ini files as it will fail because there are changes to those in
Here's mu log, any idea what I missed? Would be nice if you can make us a pre-configured version like "Sim on a Stick" SoaS.. or just update SoaS for us with current opensim version...

2021-12-21 15:12:02,367 INFO [OPENSIM MAIN]: configured log4net using default OpenSim.exe.config
2021-12-21 15:12:02,382 INFO [OPENSIM MAIN]: System Locale is en-US
2021-12-21 15:12:02,382 INFO [UTIL] TimeStamp clock with period of 7E-05ms
2021-12-21 15:12:02,382 INFO [OPENSIM MAIN]: Runtime gave us 8 min worker threads and 8 min IOCP threads
2021-12-21 15:12:02,398 INFO [OPENSIM MAIN]: Runtime gave us 32767 max worker threads and 1000 max IOCP threads
2021-12-21 15:12:02,398 INFO [OPENSIM MAIN]: Limiting max worker threads to 1000
2021-12-21 15:12:02,398 INFO [OPENSIM MAIN]: Threadpool set to 1000 max worker threads and 1000 max IOCP threads
2021-12-21 15:12:02,398 INFO [OPENSIM MAIN]: Environment is supported by OpenSimulator.
2021-12-21 15:12:02,405 INFO Default culture changed to English (United States)
2021-12-21 15:12:02,405 INFO [CONFIG]: Reading configuration settings
2021-12-21 15:12:02,405 INFO [CONFIG]: Reading configuration file C:\OpenSim-0.9.2\bin\OpenSimDefaults.ini
2021-12-21 15:12:02,436 INFO [CONFIG]: Reading configuration file C:\OpenSim-0.9.2\bin\OpenSim.ini
2021-12-21 15:12:02,436 INFO [CONFIG]: Reading configuration file C:\OpenSim-0.9.2\bin\config-include\osslDefaultEnable.ini
2021-12-21 15:12:02,451 WARN [CONFIG]: Could not find include file C:\OpenSim-0.9.2\bin\config-include\osslEnable.ini
2021-12-21 15:12:02,451 INFO [CONFIG]: Reading configuration file C:\OpenSim-0.9.2\bin\config-include\Standalone.ini
2021-12-21 15:12:02,451 WARN [CONFIG]: Could not find include file C:\OpenSim-0.9.2\bin\config-include\osslEnable.ini
2021-12-21 15:12:02,451 INFO [CONFIG]: Reading configuration file C:\OpenSim-0.9.2\bin\config-include\StandaloneCommon.ini
2021-12-21 15:12:02,467 WARN [CONFIG]: Could not find include file C:\OpenSim-0.9.2\bin\config-include\osslEnable.ini
2021-12-21 15:12:02,483 INFO [CONFIG]: Reading configuration file C:\OpenSim-0.9.2\bin\config-include\FlotsamCache.ini
2021-12-21 15:12:02,483 WARN [CONFIG]: Could not find include file C:\OpenSim-0.9.2\bin\config-include\osslEnable.ini
2021-12-21 15:12:02,483 INFO [CONFIG]: Reading configuration file C:\OpenSim-0.9.2\bin\config-include\storage\SQLiteStandalone.ini
2021-12-21 15:12:02,483 WARN [CONFIG]: Could not find include file C:\OpenSim-0.9.2\bin\config-include\osslEnable.ini
2021-12-21 15:12:02,483 INFO [CONFIG]: Loading environment variables for Config
2021-12-21 15:12:02,552 INFO [OPENSIM MAIN]: Using async_call_method SmartThreadPool
2021-12-21 15:12:02,552 INFO [OPENSIM MAIN] Running GC in workstation mode
2021-12-21 15:12:02,552 INFO [STARTUP]: Beginning startup processing
2021-12-21 15:12:02,552 INFO [STARTUP]: version: OpenSim Yeti Release

Oh, ok – I cannot help you with that. I only run it under mono on macOS or Debian where it runs fine in grid mode, but also also as standalone in testing.

You also need to check the log and watch the console for messages that can give you a hint of what's going on. The release notes will also give you a hint of what has changed. If you use the same ini files as it will fail because there are changes to those in
OK, what I can see from the log is that the file osslEnable.ini does not exist in the bin/config-include directory.

The install shall have left a osslEnable.ini.example in that directory, so just make a copy of it and call it osslEnable.ini
Strange but even after adding osslEnable.ini same errors in log spit out saying it cannot find it.. this all occurs after reading osslDefaultEnable.ini ...

OK, what I can see from the log is that the file osslEnable.ini does not exist in the bin/config-include directory.

The install shall have left a osslEnable.ini.example in that directory, so just make a copy of it and call it osslEnable.ini
....spoke at kitely about it, they sill use a modified version of ... according to them they wait months and months before jumping into latest release...

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