Dayturn SL preview for macOS

Dayturn SL preview for macOS Build 50994

This build adds some functionality from the latest version 6.6.11 and 6.6.12 Second Life Viewer in addition to a range of optimizations and bug fixes. In addition the FMOD Studio audio drivers are updated to version 2.02.14.

At this time I have taken the decision to NOT implement the functionality in the 6.6.11 Performance Panel, because I think it is a distraction, is over-engineered and in reality offers little to the average user.

Given the focus of this viewer will be OpenSim, the Performance Panel offers even less to those users.

The viewer provided as is. It is both signed and notarized with my Apple Developer ID.

NOTE: If you have the Opensim version of Dayturn installed, you should not install this version, as it will reset your viewer graphics settings and not work in Opensim at all at this current time.
This build adds some functionality from the latest version 6.6.10 Second Life Viewer for displaying group chat history as described in this blog post. In addition there are some cleanup of fonts and floaters to make the viewer look better on all supported versions of macOS.

Otherwise there are just under the hood changes and fixes.

The viewer provided as is. It is both signed and notarized with my Apple Developer ID.

NOTE: If you have the Opensim version of Dayturn installed, you should not install this version, as it will reset your viewer graphics settings and not work in Opensim at all at this current time.
This build adds some functionality from the latest version 6.6.10 Second Life Viewer, in addition to a number of bug fixes, optimizations and code changes prompted by Xcode 14.1 and higher.

This version is rebuilt with Xcode 14.3

The viewer provided as is. It is both signed and notarized with my Apple Developer ID.

NOTE: If you have the Opensim version of Dayturn installed, you should not install this version, as it will reset your viewer graphics settings and not work in Opensim at all at this current time.
This build adds functionality from the latest version 6.6.9 Second Life Viewer adding an updated Debug Settings interface, removal of buttons to wear the content of a delivery box directly to stop avatars from “accidentally” ending up half naked, added functionality to add and remove outfit items directly in the Outfit Worn tabs, and turn many search fields yellow in case you forgot you left some text there.

In addition there are the useful handful of bug fixes and optimizations.

The viewer provided as is. It is both signed and notarized with my Apple Developer ID.

NOTE: If you have the Opensim version of Dayturn installed, you should not install this version, as it will reset your viewer graphics settings and not work in Opensim at all at this current time.
This build adds better functionality for handling inventory items and folders with links in addition to bringing back the option to show the outline of the physics of an in-world mesh in the build floater. In addition there is a handful of bug fixes and performance updates and year strings have been updated to 2023.

The renderer should now recognize the M2 for VRAM sizing on machines with this processor.

This build has also received better testing on macOS Ventura (13.2) and it should be clear by now that the vsync functionality that was added from the Linden SecondLife viewer no longer works for any viewer due to underlying changes to macOS that cannot easily be fixed on the viewer's current code base. Reverting to the old frame limiter might be the work-around for now, but needs more investigation.

The viewer provided as is. It is both signed and notarized with my Apple Developer ID.

NOTE: If you have the Opensim version of Dayturn installed, you should not install this version, as it will reset your viewer graphics settings and not work in Opensim at all at this current time.
This build is just optimizations and bug fixes. – That's it.

On first run the media plugin might crash on startup. Restart the viewer and it should be good.

The viewer provided as is. It is both signed and notarized with my Apple Developer ID.

NOTE: If you have the Opensim version of Dayturn installed, you should not install this version, as it will reset your viewer graphics settings and not work in Opensim at all at this current time.
This build has a fix for a condition that would crash the viewer when opening a notecard inside an object/prim, in addition to optimizations that gave us a couple FPS extra.

This build also has all the relevant changes and fixes from the latest LL version 6.6.8 Secondlife Viewer

The viewer is rebuilt with the latest Xcode 14.2

The viewer provided as is. It is both signed and notarized with my Apple Developer ID.

NOTE: If you have the Opensim version of Dayturn installed, you should not install this version, as it will reset your viewer graphics settings and not work in Opensim at all at this current time.
This build adds more optimizations in addition to applicable bug fixes and improvements from the present SL viewer. In addition the FMOD Studio audio driver has been updated to version 2.02.10.

The viewer provided as is. It is both signed and notarized with my Apple Developer ID.

NOTE: If you have the Opensim version of Dayturn installed, you should not install this version, as it will reset your viewer graphics settings and not work in Opensim at all at this current time.
This build adds a fix from the SL 6.6.7 version to resolve an issue that arose when people logging in with MFA and accepted the new SL TOS, the user would be logged in insecurely.

The login procedure for MFA users when accepting the new TOS is:
Enter an MFA code, accept the TOS. You will then be prompted to enter an MFA code again. Do so, and the viewer will log in securely.

In addition this build contains further optimizations, bug fixes from the SL 6.6.5 viewer and new functionality for zoom level of the main map.

This version has been rebuilt with the latest Xcode 14.1 for best compatibility with recent Apple hardware.

The viewer provided as is. It is both signed and notarized with my Apple Developer ID.

NOTE: If you have the Opensim version of Dayturn installed, you should not install this version, as it will reset your viewer graphics settings and not work in Opensim at all at this current time.
This build adds more optimizations, including changes to the audio system from the SL 6.6.5 version viewer that prevents frame stalls. From the same version are updates to the mesh uploader, that also allows upload of multi-part meshes with corresponding physics per sub mesh.

Audio device selection has been reverted to previous Dayturn versions.

The viewer provided as is. It is both signed and notarized with my Apple Developer ID.

NOTE: If you have the Opensim version of Dayturn installed, you should not install this version, as it will reset your viewer graphics settings and not work in Opensim at all at this current time.