Dayturn 1.4.8 (45167)  - updated

Dayturn 1.4.8 (45167) - updated

Geir Nøklebye

World Builder
Staff member
Geir Nøklebye submitted a new resource:

Dayturn 1.4.8 (45131) - Dayturn 1.4.8 Viewer for Windows with Bento skeleton and animated mesh support

Dayturn 1.4.8 for Windows is a maintenance release that adds a number of prerequisites for building a 64-bit version of the viewer.

This version also cleans up old functionality that had been replaced, fixes an issue with point lights that were introduced in 1.4.6, adds German localization for the Dayturn section of Preferences (great contribution from Manfred Aabye), and adds a tiny amount of new functionality.

The issue of missing My Suitcase is still unresolved for the Windows...

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