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Runnable OpenSim for the PI update 8-mar-2020 2020-03-08

Geir Nøklebye

World Builder
Staff member
Geir Nøklebye submitted a new resource:

Runnable OpenSim for the PI update 8-mar-2020 - Runnable OpenSim for the PI built on the xmir opensim code

Posting another iteration of OpenSim that will run on a Raspberry PI based on the xmiropensim source.

Main highlights of this version are:
  • Added fallback textures used when connection sims running this version to grids that has Baked on Mesh support
  • Removed all support for the now obsolete Simian-grid (NOTE: this requires removal of if the simian grid ini files in config-include, in addition to cleaning...

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Please I have a raspberry 4 .... (with os raspbian) Are there a tutorial in internet . Because it doesn't work. I would like to use the Pi in HG. Thank you.
You set it up as any other Linux based system; that goes for standalone, standalone with HG, grid or grid with HG. The setup is identical.

You can use the latest OpenSim development version, in which case you MUST replace some of the libraries with the ones I have posted here. Alternatively you can use the runnable version I have posted here which has the 32-bit ARM libraries included.
Do you use Raspbian or Ubuntu server for pi ?
With Raspbian on the console is ok . Region found in HG but no possible to go on the region
Raspbian - never tested Ubuntu on it.

Can you do a direct login to the region? Sometimes they come up without public access and then you have to log on directly to the region and set public access for it from the Estate/Regions menu.

Also, is there a FW running on the PI, and if yes, has the ports for the region been opened?
Geir Nøklebye submitted a new resource:

Runnable OpenSim for the PI update 8-mar-2020 - Runnable OpenSim for the PI built on the xmir opensim code

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I am so thankful you did this and I found you here. This is my second pi4, my first is running an arcade cabinet with over 2000 games! Once I discovered the new pi4, I knew I had to put my opensim on it.
I connect to OSgrid with opensim and use their 'preconfigured' opensim to connect on my windows machine. I like it this way in that OSgrid stores my assets and inventories (which are quite vast) as well as handling logins and users. I have been using MySql on my windows machine because of a heavy inventory and asset load and wanted to use it on the Raspberry as well.
I have mariadb for mysql installed, have the user and databases created along with permissions assigned.
When I edit the GridCommon.ini and switch from Sqlite to mysql, I get a stream of connection errors and opensim crashes. Is there any special considerations I need to make to have mysql connected to my sim other than the usual setup info?
BTW, I am using your compiled package with the preconfigured config files from OSgrid (GridCommon.ini, Opensim.ini, and Flotsamcache.ini)
Thanks, here are the errors I get..
21:33:15 - [SERVER UTILS]: Error loading plugin OpenSim.Services.SimulationService.dll: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. args.Length 1
21:33:15 - Fatal error: System.Exception: Could not load an ISimulationDataService implementation from OpenSim.Services.SimulationService.dll:SimulationDataService, as configured in the LocalServiceModule parameter of the [SimulationDataStore]: config section.
  at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.StartupSpecific () [0x0019d] in <d64165c8925a4e2bb0422b15805c73bb>:0
  at OpenSim.OpenSim.StartupSpecific () [0x00101] in <d64165c8925a4e2bb0422b15805c73bb>:0
  at OpenSim.Framework.Servers.BaseOpenSimServer.Startup () [0x00064] in <bb67a0b4c8ed4e34b7f1c4e17e468090>:0
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Yes! I did the same MySql install and opensim user setup as my windows machine. The only difference is that for Raspbian mysql uses a different install package named 'mariadb'.
--create database opensim;
--create user 'opensim'@'localhost' identified by "xxxxx";
--grant all on opensim.* to 'opensim'@'localhost';

pi@raspberrypi4:~ $ mysql --version
mysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.22-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnueabihf (armv8l) using readline 5.2

pi@raspberrypi4:~ $ sudo mysql -uroot -pxxxxxxxx
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 38
Server version: 10.3.22-MariaDB-0+deb10u1 Raspbian 10

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| opensim            |
| performance_schema |
Yes, I used your complete package and double checked that those libraries were correct. I'm going through this with a fine tooth comb right now because I am 99% that it is my fault somewhere. I've been using opensim for over 10 years now, but it's been 3 years since my last install and I am a Linux NOOBY. As soon as I pin this problem down I will post back. Thanks again!
I've been running 3 full sims connected to OSgrid for a few days now and it runs perfectly! No other issues really. My only question is when if ever will there be support for Animesh? Thanks again!
I tried to install your opensim on my new raspi 4 B (newest RaspianOS). Whether I use Sqlite oder MariaDB the first start of the opensim-server (the first run to configure the Sim) allways crashed with the error message: "Fatal Error: System.Exception: No IAssetService available". If I look into the database "opensim" in MariaDB the tables were created.
I tried to install your opensim on my new raspi 4 B (newest RaspianOS). Whether I use Sqlite oder MariaDB the first start of the opensim-server (the first run to configure the Sim) allways crashed with the error message: "Fatal Error: System.Exception: No IAssetService available". If I look into the database "opensim" in MariaDB the tables were created.
Did you use the 32-bit standard Raspbian or the 64-bit beta Raspbian?
I tried to install your opensim on my new raspi 4 B (newest RaspianOS). Whether I use Sqlite oder MariaDB the first start of the opensim-server (the first run to configure the Sim) allways crashed with the error message: "Fatal Error: System.Exception: No IAssetService available". If I look into the database "opensim" in MariaDB the tables were created.
Also are you setting it up standalone, or are you trying to connect to OSGrid or some other existing?

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